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Can anyone identify this part?

Andy McGhee

I'm hoping that someone will know which early Renault this NOS wishbone fits - it came in a job lot of parts, and I'd like it to go to a good home! P1020829.JPG P1020830.JPG P1020831.JPG
Whatever it is, it is not a Renault 4 part : at least, 9 817 314 doesn't feature in any of my R4 parts books. R4 wishbones are a bit more symmetrical than this one. But I'd guess it dates from late 1960s.
4cv or possibly dauphine
Is my best guess Def not 8 10 or newer
I seem to recall 4CVs had kingpins and grease lube, so not that. Also pretty sure the same with dauphine. It may be from an estafette????
Thanks, everyone.
Have just been told that it's a top wishbone for a Renault 8/10/Caravelle. All lovely cars! P1000516 (4).JPG