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Bromey Motoring Pagent (June)

That's our 4, Napoleon. I'm not too good at this internet forum lark so I hope my belated response ends up in the right place...
Hi Thanks Clasicmfb !

Small world - I live near the Pagent and work in Brighton.

Hoping to appear at the Pagent this year - are you returning. Any tips/Feedback from the Show?

Look forward to meeting Napolean
Hello firstandbest

Yes, I plan to attend. The Bromley Pageant is a priority fixture for me and, although the autojumble is just a shadow of what it used to be, the rest of the show is still pretty good. Having the Renault display in a central position is a real bonus too. See you there!
I seem to remember the Bromley Pageant in the classic car press as being a massive show,

it does seem to have faded a little bit!