Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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Door removal


New Member
In the Haynes manual it admits that removal of a door is 'not too easy a task' ! It states that it is' necessary to nip off the lower end of the two hinge pins and then punch the pins upwards or draw the door upwards using some kind of lever action. After refitting it refers to the pins being 're-nipped' at their bottom end. The exploded view, however, shows roll pins and washers.
Can anyone explain what the nipping and re-nipping refers to, please and exactly how this all fits together?
The car is a 1978 TL.
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For the 1984 Renault 4 that I took the doors off recently it was simply a case of undoing the nuts inside the door posts, removing the securing strap screws and they fell off, there was none of this fiddling with the hinges to be done.

However a 1978 TL may have the earlier type of hinge, and those I am not sure of at all.
Should have the external hinges. If there is a nut under the top hinge then remove it. Undo the check strap. Then move the door in and out (open and close) slightly with an upwards force on the hinge. You should see the door lifting off the hinge. Careful when it comes off as the hinge can scrape against the door if you keep pushing up when it's released.

Never needed to expand a roll pin on refitting.