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Festival Renault 2013 Cancelled!


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The 2013 Festival Renault has been cancelled again? Do you have information or a link? I don't see the information on their website.

I've been planning my holiday for next year around the events.
From Google translate (my French is no better than theirs)

"This decision of cancellation is imposed on us because of the current economic and budgetary constraints that result.
Therefore, it does not seem appropriate to launch this first edition of the Renault in a context that presents a certain risk with respect to the mobilization of all.
We do not leave much to the idea of ​​the future in such an event as soon as conditions are more favorable.
I know I can count on your understanding. You can count on our desire to develop relationships with clubs, as evidenced by the recent opening of the site Renault Classic, the federation project, the involvement of Renault Classic in your big event in Dieppe and other initiatives we will develop in the coming months. "

Daft bananas!
In times of economic downturn and uncertainty, promoting and advertising of your name and product should increase dramatically, so that letter doesn't make good business sense.
I suspect that they need to rethink the event really. Festival Renault was too expensive and didn't really offer that much.

Needs to be cheaper and offer more to attract people to go really.

On the poistive side, this might well mean a bigger turn out for Thenay :)
This is what came in the press release sent to our club. I am fairly confident all the clubs registered on their site got it one way or another (some may not be near a pc to post it before people start bouncing up and down like tiggers on steroids)

Dear enthusiasts,

After a preliminary report, the decision has been taken to cancel the Renault Festival, scheduled to take place on 20 and 21 July 2013.
This decision to call off the event was unavoidable due to the current economic climate and the resulting budgetary constraints. As such, we did not think it is a good idea to launch the inaugural Renault Festival at a time when it would be difficult to involve all of us.

That said, we have not abandoned the idea of organising such an event in the future, in more favourable conditions.
However, we fully intend to press ahead with our various projects and continue our efforts working alongside our clubs, in the hope that we can return to the issue of the Renault Festival at a later date.

First and foremost, the projects launched at the meetings held with some of you will carry on.

For example, the website, launched a few weeks ago, will be developed over the coming months to become THE site for interaction between Renault and the clubs.

Furthermore, the work begun on our federations will continue. The Retromobile Show, which will be held between 6 and 10 February 2013 in Paris ( France), will see the official launch of the French Federation of Renault and Alpine clubs. But this is just the beginning. We will then need to energise this Federation and make it as effective and relevant a tool as it can be for our clubs. We will also need to support other countries with the creation of their own such Federations.

Furthermore, we will remain attentive to our clubs in Europe to assist them in their projects (meetings, attendance at motor shows, etc.) and provide them with our support wherever we can. Feel free to tell us about your projects and we will see how we can help.

Finally, we are currently looking into range of events and plans to offer you throughout the coming year, such as Open Days at the Renault Classic technical workshop, strengthening the resources devoted to various World Series by Renault events, VIP access for clubs to certain exhibitions, etc. Again, your suggestions will be welcome.

I know I can count on your understanding and you can count on our desire to develop relations with the clubs.

Kinds Regards

Renault Classic Team