Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

First R4


It was Wednesday this week...As I came around a corner somewhere near Thetford I spotted it coming straight toward me...a red gtl. I've had my R4 two years now and aside Mr Hennessey's garaged 4 and numerous 4's parked outside of Derek's place in Lewisham I'd never seen one whilst driving. I braced myself, this was to be the first wave at a kindered spirit. A signal that say's 'ego, what ego, I drive a Renault 4' and as it got nearer and nearer I got more excited as a shot of Renault 4 euphoria filled my World until, just as we were in front of each other, I lifted my hand and let go the most fantastic, fanatical wave ever seen by a fellow R4 owner....but nothing came back....

I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to anyone who drives a red R4 and lives in the Thetford area. It was me in the white VW Crafter waving like a demented child high on e numbers....the moment got the better of me..
Ah, so you weren't in your 4 then? Maybe that's why you didn't get a reply?

We got some weird looks when driving our 4 in France and waved to drivers of 4Ls over there (one waved, others just looked bemused).

I wonder who it was?
In our country the R4's are much more common, so I don't wave. But as I can remember I've got once a wave, and naturally waved backed.

But if the wave would not come from an R4, I would be also buffed and looking at the guy, like he made a mistake and is waving to the wrong guy.
jjad, no, I was in my works van, like I said, the moment got the better of me....

Godlike, maybe it's just a British thing?
Made a mistake, repaired in italic. I have some problems translating my thoughts to English. They are to many. :D
Perhaps he thought you were playing sweet and sour?

Anyone ever played it?

You drive along and flash and wave at a likely motorist coming in the other direction, if they wave back they're sweet if they're grumpy and don't wave they're sour! ;)

Yes I know me and my kids are so sad!
There was a time when you could see at least one R4 a day, and crossing one while driving your R4 was no big deal, so no one bothered about waving...

Some years later, I remember that I would get a reply from 9 out of 10 R4 drivers, if I honked (no headlight flash on the R4!!). These were the one-R4-per week times.

Nowadays these methods of greeting are unnecessary as, if we cross with another R4 driver a) we would already know each other b) we will stop and chat.
But there is also a new category of waving people, the "I had one of these at some time and regretted I sold it, how nice cars they were!" people.

Times change...