Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

I've never seen that before, and you ?



today I went to a new scrapyard near my home, there were 2 poors R4.

One has something that I've never seen before:

Does anybody know what are these strange things :confused: :confused:
I would say they look like grounding straps, to ensure a good electrical connection between the body and doors, but I don't understand why they would be fitted because the doors contain no electricals.
here's a guy who wears both belt And suspenders, if the original rubber-strap fails the webbed strap should hold the doors right .....
The blue colour tells it all, I have those grounding straps in my blue gendarmerie ( france police) R4 too. I donot know for sure, but I would say, because of the police communication-installation that time, it had to prevent static electricty.
Oh yes, thank you for your replies, I also saw on this car a big antenna at the middle of the roof, gendarmerie of course :rolleyes: