Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

..My wooden Renault 4 Engine..

ian Stanbury

..Well team, my patent has finally come through on the design of my brand new Renault 4 'green' engine made totally of wood - All varieties of hardwoods have been used including Lignum vitae for the block and pistons.

I am so proud and am going to make a fortune if I can firstly get a big car manufacturer to take up my design and secondly if I can find a large source of Lignum vitae.

What do you all think?
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Oak-ay, well done yew, Field maple Stanbury. It willow be grand fir sitka spruce and sound the hornbeams. It wood be white poplar with us elders but could we ash to sycamore beeches of it?
..Well done Tim..

..You pasted up the perfect reply and spoilt it for me but - but why on earth wooden it work?

Anyway, where are your 4court pics - still charging the camera?

And Bluebell, that was a Treeific reply..

.. doesnt this engine look a bit wooden?
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