Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Renault r12 -77mod


Gang! anything Special I need to be aware of on a r12 saloon other than the obvious? have one on hand-Low milage.CT/MoT ok,no visible rust (have only eyed it sitting in a not too well lit garage)
metallic green Not faded(!)Very nice interior can hardly see it's been sat in ,comes with extra complete 12TS motor
maybe I can Finally get rid of my M'Bitch which is a TOTAL bag of horsemanure -R.
Check rear suspension, all the same rust spots as fours really!

I love twelves, my Step Mum bought one as her first car when my Dad stopped working for a company which had provided him a car. She couldn't drive for another four years afterwards and finally passed her test at nearly 50 years of age.
Hi Pepper! I'll have a good look at it-I agree with you I like the 12 too
I only wished it had been an estate as I would use it for an everyday car.
Main thing is if it's in real good order I guess..
maybe I could turn it into a TL-look Gordini,it's not very heavy so could be fun.
I always prefer sticking a tow bar on the back and using a trailer rather than the back of my car, so there's always that possibility?
Sell it to me, to grow my collection, next I want a 16ts ;)
16 tx wouldn't be all wrong.. Great hatch-back and really nice drive too.
haven't got the 12 to sell,but my Alpine V6turbo might be up for sale......
Mmm a little too sporty me thinks, lovely cars though always lusted after them back in the eighties!