Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Server Move - Thursday 27th July 2006


& Clementine the Cat
Bedford UK
I'm planning to turn the forum off for about 1 hour on Thursday at midnight GMT+1 while we move servers from the USA to the UK.

From Friday the website should be super-quick. The new server has twin 3GHz dual-core processors and 4Gb memory (twice as much computing power as a decent PC, or 2000 times more powerful than a ZX81:D ). Also being physically located in the UK will speed things up for those of us living in Europe.
Meet the new server

The move went smoothly. Everything still seems to be here and the site should hopefully load a little faster now. :D Do let me know if you spot anything that doesn't work.

The new server is called Hercules and is based in the London Docklands.