Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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Spark plug - lpg


I do not intend to use a specific engine oil for gpl, I will go on with my usual 15w40 (the last one was a Total, yesterday bought a Castrol gtx in preparation for the french-trip), but I was wondering if it was recommendable to use specific spark plugs... I found this one:

Quite expensive related to normal ones, but still affordable, if it's worth...
What do you think, are they just trying to have my money with a new useless toy or are those spark plugs really an improvement for my engine work and life?
If your R4 runs fine on normal plugs, don't bother replacing them.

Marketing hype usually circles around parts that the average driver can recognize and/or replace easily. Many people will try to sell you that magic fuel, oil, air filter, spark plug...but not a connecting rod, driveshaft, brake wheel cylinder, gearbox oil...simply because an average driver isn't familiar with them. It's amazing how misleading can advertising be in our society...
And I recognize myself as an easy target...
I was told that lpg reaches higher temp during combustion so needs a "colder" spark plug... efectively my temp gauge measures sometimes some value that are a bit too high on my own, even a bit more than 200°F... I thought it was the summer, but now this doubt...
I even thought if it could be better to swap my 86°C thermostat with a 75°C one...

Thank you Angel!