Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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Forum Software Update 8th September 2018


& Clementine the Cat
Bedford UK
I'm trying an update from version 1 to version 2 of the forum software over this weekend. Apologies for the disruption.

The upgrade itself ought to be fairly smooth, but the styling will be lost, and to start with the forum will be blue with a Xenforo logo at the top. Afterwards I will need to spend some time making a new style. This is not my day job so it might take a little time for me to get things back to normal and I'm sure there will be some surprises and annoyances along the way.

I think the forum should be usable through this transition so please try to ignore the changes in appearance.
Some tweaking still to do, but nearly there now. Do let me know if you find anything that doesn't work properly or looks bad.
Not finished by any means, just workable hopefully. If there is anything new you see that you really like, or anything new you find hateful do say. Be critical - you won't upset me - wasn't me that designed this software, but cool to make it nice to use for you guys (and also the guys on the mig welding forum where the styling will go next once it is sorted on here). I still prefer the look of the mig forum. Looks cleaner.