Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Aerial measurement

Matthew MacMunn

Hi ,
I am fitting a genuine roof aerial and need the measurement between the top of the windscreen rubber and the front of the aerial so work out where to drill the holes , could anyone help please??
Hi there MMM!
-these antennaes have one fasteningpoint/(lower one) -where the cable goes through -Plus another (usually slideable up/down hole two) -to keep the antenna on there..-Locate the best(est) point for the No 2 hole and drill away-remember to dab a dab of paint around holes to avoid rust... now- tune in to some Good ol' raspy Blues and Rip the road!

-For My BEST tip; (Gather we're talking FM /AM her4
e-and Not that dreadfull DAB-SHEITE!- One would think sheet-metal/body-work would "shield" radio-reception-Well it Don't! (at first I used a signal-amplifier -then treid and tested and it made NO differnce so Drop drilling alltogether- Pull Upmost section of antenna Full out -then glue top section with superglue (Most important section!) to make SURE its Fully extended Let glue dry-then slide antenna up through A-pillar (drivers- or pass-side)-this way you don't have to drill Any holes at all!-and so avoid later rust etc -I measured signal-reception and it was ON par with -and as good as -if antenne was visible.. -The Blues makes you come Alive!!//-Reid
-For My BEST tip; (Gather we're talking FM /AM her4
e-and Not that dreadfull DAB-SHEITE!- One would think sheet-metal/body-work would "shield" radio-reception-Well it Don't! (at first I used a signal-amplifier -then treid and tested and it made NO differnce so Drop drilling alltogether- Pull Upmost section of antenna Full out -then glue top section with superglue (Most important section!) to make SURE its Fully extended Let glue dry-then slide antenna up through A-pillar (drivers- or pass-side)-this way you don't have to drill Any holes at all!-and so avoid later rust etc -I measured signal-reception and it was ON par with -and as good as -if antenne was visible.. -The Blues makes you come Alive!!//-Reid

There is a better trick that works for receiving FM only: don't fit an aerial at all, just take a length of double cable (the type used in loudspeakers, for example), connect each cable to an aerial plug (look for good insulation between these two terminals) and run the cable across the bottom of the windscreen or behind the dashboard. Your invisible aerial is ready!
Tx for the tip angel.

I am "strugling" to get invisible areal because i refuse to drill roof.

Will try it.