Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Another New Member


Im an owner now!!!
Hi my name is crash the dog and i live with Clementine the cat. I dont own a Renault 4 yet but am looking to purchase one in the near future. Living with Clementine means I can buy one in a pretty poor condition and have access to vast intelectual skill!!!

Anyone who owns a 4 that they want shot of then you dont deserve it but I am more than happy to take it off your hands and give it the loving home it needs!

I hope that my next post will be to anounce the fact that i am the proud owner of a 4 but i wont hold my breath just yet!!!
Welcome Crash the dog.

Crash helped get my top secret Renault 4 working this evening and we went for a ride. It's another of those 850cc dogleg first cars, bought for the bodyshell, but the engine is so smooth and the suspension so subtle that I think it might make it back onto the road in one piece.

It was really impressive off road - we glided over huge bumps without noticing. The GTL with that great heavy engine crashes over the same surfaces.
It certainly wa impressive Clementine, though i can't really take much credit for getting her running as she actually started first time!!!

But you are right the off roading was almost as good as a 4x4 and it was the ride in your top secret R4 that inspired me to buy my very first R4 - TANKYIU Clementine