Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

..Ask the Forum..

ian Stanbury

..I am very lucky as I havent needed lots of bits for my little Baby but when and if I see a request for bits like Matt asking for a wing mirror or Ian in North Devon asking for a passenger side window glass etc I always think that there are a number of you willing to share your spare bits, so my advice before committing to an Ebay bid etc is to post a request and before you blink an eyelid someone will stump up what you want..

This site is the Renault 4 equivalent of the Bees Knees..
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Do you have a right hand side mirror then please Mr Ian?
..Aitshoo Dr Pepper..

And sadly I dont have wing mirror but I do have a light mac and a dark brown overcoat - very useful if your heater doesnt work as well as mine!!

..And look, what a shame!!
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