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Réparateur d'automobiles

HELP - French Fuel Strike

All I can tell you is that our supermarkets, 5 withing 20 kilometres have all said they will run out this afternoon or tomorrow morning. They were limiting people to 20 euros worth and absolutely no jerry cans. Our local supermarket has no idea when new supplies will arrive and they did not get the last one which was Friday. All the 24 hour pumps are also turned off. Not a good situation for a lot of people. A joiner has just called in to see me who is English with English plates on his van and he was refused service as they are limiting supply to locals!!! he lives here. He did get fuel at raised prices at a local garage though.

Yes that is what i was dreading hearing.

I have now decided to take my 1.4 Citroen AX Diesel as it will do 76 mpg if i sit at a steady 70mph. Lucon is 406 miles from Calais so thats about 8 gallons of Diesel, two gerry cans worth (for return) + another for a weeks running around. However thats half of my boot space spoken for :(

I will give it until Wednesday and then look at the situation again.

The French government says the situation wont get any worse but how true is that?

Lets hope it improves,

if the lorry drivers strike or blockade the refineries there'll be nothing available, at a pinch you can run a diesel on cooking oil (your ax will work fine on it.) I'm currently "not" using the 300 litres of red diesel which was left in the tank of our new house.
Yes your right, veg oil is an option, or indeed alternative fuels. its still looking dire......
Jerry cans are being refused at all filling stations at the moment and of the 5 I mentioned one has 98 octane unleaded and nothing else the rest are shut. Also I understnd the ferries wont take full jerry cans so be careful with that.
I will check with the ferry oporator about carrying 'back up' fuel. I would guess you must be allowed to carry a certian ammount in a can incase you find you self in the situation where you are in a sparsley populated little french village in the middle of no where at 2AM ?
Lots of talk / info on the various AngloInfo sites.
Diesel seems to be harder to get than petrol.
Quick update, deliveries were recived here yesterday late on and although still no jerry cans they are not limiting how much you can put in your tank. Dont assume ferry operators care whether you run out of fuel in France, best to check before I think.
Does any one know if there is any diesel in the La Rochelle Area?
Just seen this elsewhere and thought it might be relevant

Brittany Ferries Sailing Updates

Information correct as of: 22/10/2010 at 1:00 P.M.

Important Information relating to the current fuel situation in France

The transport of petrol cans onboard is strictly forbidden and the transport of diesel in vehicles is only permitted in cans/ jerrycans specifically constructed for the carriage of diesel and to a maximum of 5 litres per vehicle.

The following websites may be of use if looking for petrol stations:

Brittany Ferries are not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

So best not to plan on carrying a few cans of fuel with you....
I had my diesel conviscated at Dover on the way out but Ian very kindly put 20 liters aside for me upon my arrival.

I had a lovely time and will be returning in a few weeks with Ian's Citroen BX's cylinder head.

And then again next summer.

P.s Ian i think we need to sort you out with a newer, slightly tidy'er 4L. Your versatile 'wheel-barrow' is very nice but you NEED one to use daily. Let me see what i can find you. (1108cc) lol
