Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

radiator drain plug?


France The Lot
1126 , 782cms 839 06 Screenshot 2019-08-04 at 18.23.58.pngengine..anyone have any idea where this bugger is?It sure isn't where this arrow is..thanks.
Yes, bear in mind anti-freeze is poisonous to dogs (I have 2 cats, and it's poisonous to them too!) so I CAREFULLY drain it into a container & store it until I go to the local recycling centre.
yes, one teaspoon is enough, I had a dog who died from kidney failure the vet thought she might have licked anti freeze as I used to play roller hockey in a car park, I've drained it all into a big tub & removed it, as my 5 assistants are a tad too interested..most tricky part so far of taking the head off!!