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RE Engine removal

maurice mathews

mountain goat
Dear forum any ideas of who best to look after engine removal and restoratin.Can handle all body and chassis restoration but engine and brakes plus torsion bar scare me.I am based in Dublin.Any ideas guys?
Hi Maurice,

Its not as daunting as it seems. The main things to have are a lift for to take out the engine and a large bench to do the dismantling on. Once the engine is out and on the bench and you are not under any time limits it is quiet enjoyable to dismantle at leisure and re build the engine again.

Label every thing as it comes off the engine especially nuts bolts washers etc as theses will be a variety of sizes and it is not that easy always to work out which is which from the workshop manual.

I should have said first to clean the engine as much as possible before removal and to clean the components as you remove them from the engine. I am a big believer in cleanliness, it makes the job easier and it looks better when re assembled not to mention dirt getting into the inside.

I hope theses few tips will help you. Best of luck and let us know how you get on