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RHD/LHD Engine differences


I have a 845cc engine out of an original 1976 RHD car. Its done 60k miles, so just run in and it ran very sweetly before we took it out. Can that be used in a 1985 LHD car? Are there any difficulties with fitting it. Thank you
RHD to LHD makes no difference for the 845 engine (for the 1108 sometimes the fuel pump can get close to the steering column).

If the 1985 car has an 1108 or 956 engine it's a lot easier to fit an 845 engine than swap the other way around. For an 1108 to 845 swap you would use the 845 gearbox and would probably also need to use the 845 engine mounting brackets (that unbolt from the chassis).
Thats very helpful. Ronnie in France is a LHD 1985 845cc commercial basic model. I just wanted to know that its worth keeping the earlier RHD 845 cc engine I have here as a spare should anything befall Ronnies existing motor. I have kept spare wings, inner wings, grille and other bits as spares should the worst happen. So keeping the engine gearbox and drive shafts appears a good idea. Thanks Malcolm.

I was in Halfords and noticed they have a new set of H4 headlight bulbs offering 200% more light than standard. So I bought a pair for Ronnie. Are there any issues?
I assumed the bulbs performed better due to improved technology rather than sucking more electricity down the wires, possibly burning things out. Again, any observations much appreciated.
Definitely keep the engine and gearbox. The 845cc engines are getting rare so chances of finding another are slim. Offer it on here if you need to make space.

I think the Halfords bulbs do use more electricity but I've not seen anyone complain about wires burning out when using them.