Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Starting my R4 in the morning


New Member
My R4 has problems to start in the morning, I changed all Ignition systeme (Allumage), cables, spark plugs, battery ...
What happen is that the engine starts and goes off, I have to try 4 to 5 times to start it, then it's fine all day
Please need your advice!
Many Thanks
Hi Karim,

This may sound ridiculous, but I had a similar problem on my R4, and it was fixed by increasing the tension on the accelerator return spring - not sure why it cured the problem, but it did. And cost nothing!
It might also be a problem with choke adjustment. Mine needs full choke to start, but the choke knob can be immediately pushed back to half way before driving. If I start the car on half choke the engine will stop again.

Easy to check by removing the air filter and checking that the choke fully closes when you pull the cable.
There is also an adjustment that affects throttle opening as a function of choke is adjusted from the rod that links the choke plate with the throttle spindle, chack this too.