Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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..The Devon run..

ian Stanbury

...Anyone know where this is?

A clue - its in Devon and is a place that contributed to me being almost as clever as Sir Malcolm V

A fab cd to the first person who gets it correct.
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...Armley Prison..

..Well Bluebell, not a bad guess from a bonnie wee lass from Armley but wrong - It is actually Kelly College in Tavistock and not so unlike Dartmoor Prison amazingly enough.

Kelly College is where I was 'edukated'.
Dartmouth Naval College is where I went to 'trane' before fighting in the Falklands.
Dartmoor Prison is 'wear' I ended up for stealing a piece of chocolate cake at Elton Johns 21st birthday party...and 'thiz' is me photographed by a speed camera at my recent crash - I couldnt beleieve it, a french 2cv was coming round the bend on the wrong side of the road.

Nice to have you back Bluebell - It 'waz' so quiet while you were away.

Moroccan Roll
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