Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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Torsion bar removal, it may work for you

Steve I

This may work for you? Having got to the stage that the suspension was out for the replacement of the clutch.


I decided to take the torsion bars up one notch to allow a better adjustment. As you will see from the photos whoever built the car fitted a finer adjustment system than the cam adjuster with the aid of a bolt


I have read on the forum that removal of the torsion bars can be difficult, due to the seizing in of the splines, so I wasn’t surprised when they wouldn’t move. My method of removal, I haven’t checked if someone else has used this method, was to spray the spines with a light oil, clamp two mole grips back to back on the torsion about 10mm from the end of the bar


cut a large washer so it fits over the bar, to protect the bush and use a Snap-On ball joint splitter as a wedge


and hay presto with a couple of hits with a large hammer the bar was free.
I hope this is of use to someone, let me know if it works for you.

I will try it to the first stubborn torsion bar I meet to see how efficient it is.

By the way, the trick with the bolt is how torsion bars on all Japanese cars are fixed, and it certainly allows very easy adjustment.