Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles


Paul Narramore

Aylesford, Kent
Is it me but, not for the first time, I have responded to an advert posted on here and have heard absolutely nothing in return. Further emails and nothing whatsoever. I wonder why some people go to the trouble of listing parts/cars then go all silent? Do they want to sell their stuff or not?
I think it's maybe they don't visit the forum as often as we do and therefore don't notice the responses??
Maybe PM them, then I think it would notify them by email ?
Oh but I have emailed them, and over more than one advert, but stony silence. Another advertiser just ignored my request for his address even though he seemed eager to sell stuff and lived in a city thirty minutes from me. Perhaps halitosis can travel through cyber space?
The whole Private Message/Conversation system on this website is a bit opaque. On the other hand I can sympathise with people's desire for confidentiality given some of the silly responses that sometimes ensue when messages are left for all to see. Malcolm : over to you!
I try to be sensible I promise
apologies to anyone I may of offended ☺
Back on subject I don't normally advertise or buy anything these days except new stuff off ebay as and when needed
So can't really say if it's a problem with communication through spam filtering on email systems
I still get my notification by mail but recently Gmail says it can't verify the forum as sender
Maybe some systems block this domain
(This is high tech IT talk in case I've lost you paul ☺)
I try to be sensible I promise
apologies to anyone I may of offended ☺
Back on subject I don't normally advertise or buy anything these days except new stuff off ebay as and when needed
So can't really say if it's a problem with communication through spam filtering on email systems
I still get my notification by mail but recently Gmail says it can't verify the forum as sender
Maybe some systems block this domain
(This is high tech IT talk in case I've lost you paul ☺)
You have.
No no, you never offend me. Confused as ever. We've just been watching the Points Race in which Cavendish came second. Utterly confused.