Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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alternator wiring help needed


Hi all

I have been gathering parts together to convert my 6V R4 to 12V with alternator. I have bought a ducellier alternator but cannot work out how to connect it.

There are 2 large terminals D+ and B- and 2 spade terminals + and L
Does anyone know how to connect?

Also I don't know if this alternator has a regulator.

Any help appreciated
D+ goes directly to the battery positive terminal. The old wire for the generator/dynamo assuming its in good condition can be used for this. Should have a thicker post generally with a 10mm nut

The B- is the earth, with the thinner post normally uses an 8mm nut, this can have a wire attached to it that earths to the engine block or chassis, but if the alternator mounting are not rubber you don't need the wire.

The spade terminal + and L are for the charge light. The + has battery voltage into it and goes to 1 side of the light, the L start off weith no voltage thus it light sup and then when teh alternator spins quick enough it goes out, the light goes out as it will also be putting out battery voltage so theres no voltage at the bulb thus its out.

And yes its self regulating.