Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Condolenses to all of uk.

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Once again it terror has stricken. Completely random with NO reason or rationale.
Our heart goes out to the families relatives and friends of all these innocent victims.
Again our British friends are the victims of Total insanity.

Not the place I know ,but How long are we to LET it happen?? We have turned the other
cheek to for Too long in my opinion. officals and politicians in large tells us "Not let the
terrorists take the day from us"..Well-How many innocent fellow humans are these willing
to sacrifice on the alter of cowardry... not having One ball between them??
-Is it time to try other things than babbling-on just to keep up the false Appearance of
normal citicens being safe safeguarded by the Feds ???

Politicians do what they do best-Move air and not much else!

I Totally blame the politicians and all others in power that Allows this to happen time after time
All due to the fact they're Too busy being re-elected and making cheap&fast pension-funds
for number 1 -Reid.
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