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Yellow R4
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Crankshaft Removal


One of my liners came out relatively easy, but the remaining 3 are tightly corroded in place. I really need to get them out for cleaning and to replace the seals. Pushing or hitting them with a piece of wood doesn't work.
If the crankshaft was out, I would have better access, but that seems like a major job. Or is there an easier way?
From what I can gather from the Heynes manual, to get the timing chain off, one or both sprockets have to be removed with a special puller.
Is that the only way?
Is yours not the 956cc? I think the camshaft sprocket is held by a bolt on those. Early 845cc engines and Alpine engines need a puller but a small hub puller can be used.
No Malcolm, it's an 845cc, R1123, 800 engine. A bolt would have been nice, but I don't see one. I've just taken a photo, let me know if you thionk a puller will workDSCF6524.JPG DSCF6526.JPG
A simple puller with two arms will do the job easily. Face the hooks outward from the centre in the two holes
Thanks guys, the puller cost 9Euros and the cam sprocket was out in 10 minutes. The puller's centre bolt could have been an inch longer, but I improvised with a large nut and some washers. The crankshaft has also been removed and marks made on the timing chain for when I put it back.DSCF6527.JPG