Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles



Hi there

Is anyone on facebook, they have a page dedicated to the R4's and is really interesting, the link posted today is all about the Journées du Patrimoine à l'usine de Flins - septembre 2011, At the plant heritage day - septembre 2011, excellent photos
There's plenty of pages about r4s on fb, could you be more precise?
Arrr, I be on there too!

Though it'll be under my normal (ish) name not my usual nick name :)
Subscribed years ago! Under my true name, of course.
Never had a notice... I will go and have a look.
Im on there.. ANDREW MCGRAA..if anyone wants to be my
LOL, this made me giggle to myself infront of my boss.

I am a friend of Renault 4 too. they posted some great info when it was the Thenay weekend.

The Stanbury's are even on there
On Facebook, you can see this group of Portuguese Renault 4 enthusiasts that organize the yearly raid to Morocco. They are called the "Friends of the 4L"

The Renault 4 was widely used in Portugal as a workhorse for companies, police, fire department and armed forces, as well as family cars. But because the most popular model was the "4 L", these Renaults are known and reffered permanently as "4 L" or nicknamed " 4 Latas".

Here is the link on Facebook for the page " Confraria Amigos 4 L"!/pages/Confraria-Amigos-4L/157360544275137