Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Fitting a CD player and Speakers in to R4

Unfortunately no pictures, the car was off the road for a few years and they got binned as no one thought it would be going again :( Car is now back on the road tho so I am trying to find some new speakers ! (Im not sure I am going to use the radio console as I dont want a radio visible to potential thieves!

(Yep apex panels are the bit on the outside of the car next to the driver and passengers feet)
I bought this used radio.

I'm thinking of buying these speaker, but I'm not sure if they will fit the drivers apex panel.
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I'm not sure if the even fit the shelf. Because in the driver side is 10cm gap only. because the shelf has an edge and fuse box is mounted under the dashboard.
Installed the speakers. The one on the driver side fitted in mm. They are mounted on the apex pannels & it took me quite some time.
I'll took tomorrow some photos.

And when I will have some time I'm gonna finish this an install the radio.
Finaly installed the radio. And of silence.

It took me so time, but I did it on this sunday.

I put the speakers as alewis suggested on the apex panel. The left one just squeezed in. Needed to remove the fuse cover and bent the shelf a bit, so it could squeeze in.

The radio is working like a charm. Took the memory ACC from the watch and the normal ON ACC from the original connector. Also I built in an antenna, but it's windscreen mount.

The pictures are in my photo album.

Mission accomplished.:D
djoptix! sorry to revive this old in the process of drawing cables for cd/radio and looking at the connectors -All by ISO-standard (I'm talking about power-connectors)
-they are:
Yellow +12V Permanent
Red +12V Switched
Blue +12V Auto-ON for extra amp/antenna/DBX etc
Orange +12V Illumination
Black Ground

being a sound-egineer I guess you know what youre doing but seing the ISO-standard disagrees with you re Yellow and Red (+12V constant and after ignition) some could get confused and throw the radio out the window ,so it would be nice to have it correct right?

The new ISO-standard also incorporates a BROWN cable which is to mute your Bluetooth-phone (not all ISO-connectors have it so if you can't mute your phone here's the reason.....

Finished cabling to speakers. Heck of a job to open the ISO-connectors and pulling out the contacts to change the joke-cables they installed for some more hefty ones-and why the H*** do they cross signal and power-cables when it's not necessary??? silly buggers!

PS: I see elsewhere that lots of you guys install Cd-players in the "original"R4-radio-console and having no problems with that-which is all Good. -Beware though all cd-players are meant Not to be mounted at an angle more than max 30 degrees,you might get it to work but performance will not be as good as if mounted correctly.The cd spins at high speed (variable) and both platter and lazer plus correction-system
is working overtime at all time if mounted in exess of said 30degrees-just so you know why its skipping and having black-outs and Lo-fi perfomances -R.
I had no problems with cables, just locked and connected them the same as the colors from radio to iso. I knew what they meant.
If you change the red and yellow (constant + ignition) it's nothing wrong. It just wont remember the stations and settings. You can change this after the iso on the radio cables.

Six years ago my friend have had an R5 and installed an Pioneer radio and it worked. If I correct remember the angle on an R5 is bigger than on na R4. Correct me if I'm wrong.
So the pioneer radios work. Proven. But yes on the radio it states 30°.

I went for a CD radio because my R4 didn't have any radio. It just had a drawer (don't know how to translate) it was good for my cellphone.
My panasonic cd player works fine on the console angle, better than when it was mounted under the dashboard with an handmade console (gave error every bump)...