Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Jammed steering lock


Hi Guy's,
is there an easy fix, I just spent an hour trying every which way with the ignion key. Finally it worked but I do not think I will be so lucky next time. The key looks o/k not bent and each side looks identical. Trouble is I only have one key.
Hi Guy's. really sorry I should have looked at previous posts, There's one from down under back in 07 that describes what to do so I am off outside to see what I can do. will report back when I have fixed the problem or if I need more help.
If it's an early car I've found pulling the key very slightly out and then turning it can help. Otherwise rocking the wheel as you turn the key can be worth a try.
I agree, pulling the key very slightly out, and then turning it.
In fact, I do it without thinking these days!
You will get the knack, eventually.
Get a spare key, it won't help but at least you will have one!
Thanks guy's, Freddy the Frog is mobile again. gave the steering lock a good blast of air and then some light duck oil as I did not have any WD40. found pushing the key forwards from the top seemed to help as well. Anyway one good thing came out of the latest episode of Quatrelle ownership the other half does not want to drive it, she much prefers her 4x4 that just leaves me and my 3 labs to enjoy classic motoring experiences.