Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Knock knock, engine rod


Planning an Advent4
South Coast

Okay, so slowly I have been stugglying to put my 1108 engine back together, with 'not' much help from people when I've asked on Facebook.
Decided to bin off the facebook and returned here in hope of better answers and not have people look down their nose down me for trying.

This is the snag i've hit with the rebuild.
No3 rocks side to side,
I followed my notes and its went back into no3 I marked it as, the only time its been out of my sight unmarked was when the cleaner had it but he is a porchse engine rebuilder so doute he would of mixed them up....

Am tempted to unbolt it and swap it with No2 but that brings a new worry of the paper gasket in the bottom of the liners, that'll mean I'll have to get another set of replacements?

Thoughts guys? Fed up of my depression stopping this build among other things, feels like I keep passing a sign saying 'water 5 miles' for the last 4 years.
Looks like some side to side motion. Not any up and down. Idd be worried if the motion is up and down.
If you put the head on you need not worry about the paper gaskets.
You can take the crankshaft off if you undo the connecting rods and the 5 big end bearings and leave the head in place.
Does this make any sense?
Thanks HarbourSeal,

Its had new shells as well but indeed it does not go up and down on the crank.
just don't recall it doing that before being taken apart but I bet the odds are high that I didn't notice.
The head is not yet on due to this issue.
But if I am swapping piston locations, I want to swap the liners as was told it has to stay together and not get mixed up but I guess that counts on engines that aren't getting the attention this one was had.
New shells, polished crank, flexy honed bores etc etc.
Side to side connecting rod play should be 0,31 to 0,60mm. it looks to be a couple of millimeters from the video, but measure it with feeler gauges to be sure.
You have to determine by measuring with a micrometer and comparing with the other 3 rods if it's the connecting rod or the crankshaft journal thrust faces that are worn.
Side to side connecting rod play should be 0,31 to 0,60mm. it looks to be a couple of millimeters from the video,
Got a 0.5mm i believe but I'll double check it

Thank you for this information thou as no one on facebook didn't know (or be bothered) and none of my manuals would state it either