Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles



Sadly no longer an owner
I have been given a 1999 pristine copy of RetroViseur (rear view or looking back) magazine which has a 16 page article on the Renault 4 with some great pictures. If anyone would like it, first come first served, I can post it provided postage costs are not too high.

kind regards
Yes please

Since no one else has asked - yes please, if still available. I will send some € if you let me know how much postage is. Thanks
No problem, if you PM me with your address or phone number will get details and post it off

How about scanning the article and posting it for us slow to answer folks! :D. Come to think of it... is there a archive anywhere on R4 articles?
There are copyright issues (which is fair as the folk who wrote the article need to buy food). Copyright lasts for about 70 years unfortunately, and it means we can't post scanned articles on the site or offer them publicly on the site without first obtaining permission from the author.

That's why we don't have an archive, but if anyone fancies asking for the permissions I would be up for one.
Magazine on its way to Simon and Juliette tomorrow (first to reply and cheaper postage) . Had wondered about scanning but malcolm has confirmed what I thought.
Received with thanks

Great magazine, thank you both. Very nice chronology for the berline, showing all the detail changes over time.
You are very welcome
