Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Marigold too young.


Le Dazzleur
Hi all. We thought today we would go to a classic car show at St Buryan near Penzance, great idea, nice day out, take the dogs, and see some nice cars. To be fair I did know the cut off date was 1972, but thought, worth a try in our 83 GTL. We got turned away, I explained that the car is very rare now, had not really changed its basic design since 1961, and we had just driven nearly thirty miles to get to their rally. I even said, a bit sarcasticly I suppose, have you got another 4L here? no I thought not. I even mentioned our trip to France, nothing. Wish we were back in Thenay two weeks ago!!
We ended up down at Cape Cornwall, had lunch and a brew, and an ice cream, and the dogs had a good time too.:cool:
So there you are folks, I did try to fly the flag for our favourite car.
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Yes it was over all too quickly. Guess we need to start planning for next year don't we.:D
The UK classic scene is a bit odd. There seems to be a general idea that cars need to be 30 or 40 years old before they can be considered a classic which tends to exclude the people who considered the car classic enough to take it beyond 10 years old.

Though the vintage scene was similar. Classics weren't classics in the 70s because they were made after 1930. It was only in the '80s that the classic scene kicked off.
The stupidity and short sightedness of some show organisers never fails to surprise me. Sadly. Still, I'm sure they had a field full of MGBs in regulation red or BRG with wire wheels, assorted Jags, Triumphs and Zzzzzzzzz. Sorry. Where was I?

Thenay was great though wasn't it. Can't believe its two weeks ago already.

I'm already thinking about how I'm doing it next year!
Yes I've had this problem before Malcolm, I had a 1978 TVR that got turned down once or twice, and while I do like MGBs, as you say David, they can be a bit samey. Ironically, at this same show when us members of the MG Owners Club turned up in 20 plus MGs a few years ago, we got turned away as the organisers thought we were taking over their show. There were quite a lot of red, and green ones though:smile:. I reckon any 4L should be made welcome if only because of its rarity. :cool:
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Its an all too common scenario although just once it happened the other way around to me. I was going to the August Bank Holiday classic car show they do at Knebworth park in my 2cv. I hadn't got a display token or whatever. Theres a really long concrete entrance road and usually the 'normals' peel off right and park on the grass but the event staff just kept ushering me straight on onto the display field. I found another person in a 2cv and the same thing had happened to him too...
Thats great snailshed, they knew a classic when saw one. Hope you had a good day.
This is where organizers loose the plot and forget the years are passing.
This is the reason that in Renault Classic car club be set the eligibility rule that a model had to have been production more than 30 years ago.
Hence r4 started production in 1961 therefore all R4s qualify.
So by these guys rules my 1972 R6 can enter my 1975 R6 cannot, Get a life is all I can say Gary
Cornwall always has been behind the times, sometimes a good thing, sometimes not. Show organisers do I think forget how the years are passing, and a car that they think is resent is in fact a distant memory to a lot of people, and as we found at the NEC last year showing our 4, it re-awakens people interest in the marque, which can only be a good thing. Brian.
Yeh thanks Billy, we all know the 4L is a classic motorcar, and that's all that matters isn't it? Brian.
What a show you missed Brian, drove past me while i was walking from campsite too the showground and then i spent an hour looking for you...only to find you wernt in there..cheers mate:(

usual cornish crap plus some odd ones..(post pics tomorrow)..they did have a 1976 Reliant Kitten...which i see every year and that was after 1972.

Maybe its just did get turned down by the Classic Car mag photo shoot because of the flowers...hahahaha:D sorry mate...had to get that one in..
Thank you for that Andrew, guess it's a case of who you know. Some people like the flowers, and others are just a bit sad and don't get it. Thank you for an excellent day at your garage fettling Marigold, now which side of the gear-box did you say the filling hole is? :lol:
We have similar problems over here, but you should be very happy. R4s are years ahead of their time, and not all people think of them as classics!
Hi angel, I think the 4Ls day is coming though, what with all the classic car magazine articles there have been this year, and the interest shown in it by the media in general. Those of us lucky enough to own one (or two or more) are very happy indeed. Sorry you didn't make it to France, but maybe meet you next year? Brian.:smile:
Its about the mindset of the show organisers as much as anything else. To some people - not anyone here though :) - a 'classic' is only one that was made in Britain no later than 1970.

See the Practical Classics forum for further reading (if you can stand the tedium). They seemed to have regular 'but is it a classic' debates to which the outcome was invariably 'no' by the various shouty, traditional members unless it was an MG / Stag / E Type.
Hi David, I used to be a regular buyer of Practical Classics, but it does seem to cater for a, shall we say, limited audience. Perhaps that was me once, but I've moved on now to not such mainstream motoring and enjoying every moment of it. More people stop to chat about the 4L than ever did when I had a two-door Morris Oxford.:smile:Just today a chap passing stopped and said 'I like it, where are you going or where have you been?', obviously Marigold looked like she was dressed for adventure. He was interested to hear about Thenay. It turned out he learnt to drive on a Belgian F4. Then he tried to kid me he knows Nick from The Apprentice who drove a 4 to Mongolia.:D Brian.
Hi Andrew, yes I've left those on, I thought it worked well, bit of a 4L Trophy look. Hope renault4mad doesn't want his roof bars back.:smile: