Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

R4 Parts purchased - A big 'Thank you'!

Steve Hennessey

Just want say a big 'Thank You' to all those who have recently responded to my Parts for Sale threads. I am pleased that they are going to good homes and will help to contribute to keeping some R4's on the road for a bit longer!

I still have some parts remaining unsold and will list a few more as and when. Didn't realise how tiring the whole process would be too!

As you may know, the postal charges are going to rise steeply at the end of this month so if anyone is interested in any more parts and they are going to the Kent meet on 13 May, I can bring them with me and this will save you some money. I will also bring a few odds and sods for the 'Auto Jumble' but not too many as I'm worried about whether Macolm's R4 Gordini can cope with all the weight;).

Best wishes
