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Rear inner wings


Has anyone got a goosed GTL shell with decent inner rear wings that they would be prepared to remove and sell ? My problem is that now that I have everything apart what I've found is that the inners have been repaired that often in the past that I don't have much of the originals left.
Possibly won't have much luck with this request, but always worth asking.

Help ! My way isn't working, there just is not enough original wing left to weld to.

Truly truly would appreciate some help on this one as I am at a standstill/stuck.

Thanks Stan
Might be worth posting some photos of what you have. Probably nobody will have rust-free rear inner wings second hand but we might have something or be able to suggest ideas.
Sorry but me, camera's and the internet just don't work too well ! If I can explain my problem which is a lot worse on the drivers side.
The inner wings have been patched that often that there is nothing left of the original wings.
So to me I have two options, one is to cut out and patch on top of the existing patches, and the other one which is preferable, is to ask about and hopefully find something more original.
Any advice is certainly most welcome. Thanks Stan.
Wow Robert, just going by the pictures that looks brilliant, I can't read the advert but it looks like two inner wings and not sure about the flat panels. Is there a way of translating ebay, sorry but I'm not very good at this as you can tell !!
Am I right in saying that the flat panels are repair patches/panels for the rear inner wings and red ones are just for demo
if anyone has these I think the guy on le bon coin here in france would have them [ he's nr calais !] the item is called les joue d'aile [arriere] tel +33 619741369 he calls himself 'armentiere' if you look on le bon coin for aile renault 4 you will see his ad. and you could e mail ?? bit far for me to go for you !!!
Thanks, I'll try giving him a ring tomorrow, I wish I had taken French and German at school now !!
Wow Robert, just going by the pictures that looks brilliant, I can't read the advert but it looks like two inner wings and not sure about the flat panels. Is there a way of translating ebay, sorry but I'm not very good at this as you can tell !!

Sorry Stan, I didn't read the forum for a few days ... give me a shout if you need help with German Ebay.

Thank you Robert, but through emailing him it seems that his panels are just repair panels for the inner wing whereas I need the whole inner wing.
I think that now my only options are, find someone that is breaking a car with good inner wings which by what I've found so far will just be pure luck, or buy a car with good inner wings which sounds daft plus expensive and would mean that I would need to scrap one car to do this, or just make up something that's obviously not going to or look anything like original.
Unfortunately for me due to my location any cars that do come up for sale are usually in England therefore it's minimum £500 for me to go and get one due to ferry and fuel costs, so as I said it gets expensive.
There is one on eBay at the moment a 73 which is in Banbury 650 miles from me.
I am looking for you here in brittany I do know of a scrapper so will let you know. I am in uk early dec...
Just looking at Malcolm's reply above and thought that I should mention that, I don't mind if there is some rust on any replacements I/we might find, as I can repair them, but obviously the better they are the less there is to do.
hi stan, my friend with the scrapper is away until the end of the month so no news 'til then. keep looking !