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Yellow R4
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renault f4 rear door seal


New Member
Hi, can anyone tell me if they have ever had any luck with getting hold of a rear seal for a f4 rear door?
The original rubber look near impossible to get but I dont know if there is a reproduction company around I have tried comptoir carrosserie and franzose im now considering a self adhesive "p" rubber.
many thanks.
That's right. You have to buy it by the metre. I glued mine in using evo-stick painted onto both services. I used ordinary round section rubber glued to the top edge of the rear door between the door and the girafon, I needed about a metre,but ideally I could have had an extra couple of centimetres as it bends down a little each side. Again get it from Melun Retro Passion. Look under R4, then click on 'Caoutchouc', then 'Profils et joint entanchette' which brings up the third box, and click on 'joint de hayon'. A series of pictures comes up, the second one down is the rubber for the rear door surround, joint de coffre arriere etc. Then it's a matter of getting registered with them.
Rear door rubber

I did mine with a rectangular sponge section (10x25mm) bought locally, cost about 11€ - it squidges out a bit around the girafon but even after storms it doesn't leak

Having said all of that, I cannot get the back door to be quiet off-road, it bangs on the striker plate - VERY irritating ! More body flex than poor fitting I think
we welded a bricodepot sliding bolt onto Adam's which shut it up, not for the concours contenders though