Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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shock absorber advise


It's time to change them (after 180000 kms always running with the originals its really opportune, I think :lol: ) so I asked to local Renault dealer for the price and what a terrific surprise has been to know how expensive they are (95,56€ and 81,90 € each one - not the couple! -, respectively for the front and back wheels). :(
So, here the question: can you suggest a good brand of hydraulic shock absorber with a cheap priced model that suits well with R4 suspension? What about Gabriel?
Thanks a lot.
I have a pair of Boge dampers on the front of my R4 - they seem OK and cost less than 50 euros each.

You need to be careful with the rear dampers. They work the wrong way round (expand when the suspension is in compression). That means you need to fit dampers that are sold as suitable for the Renault 4.

I had some problems with the Boge rear dampers - they developed air bubbles after an abusive drive down my farm track. Because the dampers are horizontal the air bubbles didn't bleed out. I replaced them with Renault manufactured dampers which have been OK.
From my experience, de Carbon shock absorbers seem to be the best for the R4 (if you can find them, they are a bit hard to come by). I have had good performance with Monroe, though they seem to be a little softer. My '71 R4 had a pair of KYB front shocks, they should had been fitted some years ago, and they work very well,too (I didn't expect it!). I have also tried Allinquant but they faded quickly compared to de Carbon
I'm very happy with Monroe Oil+Gas shocks. They're about 15GBP a piece here in Colombia.
I changed the tires yesterday and found out that the right rear shock is leaking oil. And the car has had only genuine 76000 km driven. I couldn't tell the mark but the front one are Allinquant.

Was a little shocked to see oil as I was reading here that there were fitted gas pressured ones. I've just read on the page (not forum) in the guide section, that they were also fitted in few models.

I'll try to get de Carbon ones. Let's see what can I find in my country. :)
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Today I've got my first offer:
Monroe: 30€
some british brand (don't know): 20€

Still continue my search.
I ordered the British ones, but after a day I've got a call that the waiting time is one month. So I continued my search and came across KYB. OK, so I ordered the KaYaBa.
But after a day I've got a call the they can get me only one in decent time.

So I went mad and order those cursed Monroes. As they will last 6 month, and after that my 4 is gone. I'm looking now at new cars.

Today I've changed the right one. Went insane while working on it, trouble after trouble after trouble. But it's done. As I'm not at home tomorrow and I'm doing my work in the front yard, so the other one has to wait till the next weekend.