Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

TRES BON ADRESSE! (bearings etc.)


Thought I'd post this address for the benefit of all..
If looking for that Special Elusive unusual (or just the mundane but needed bearing)
Who do you call ??? or call 0033 365 959 909 (France) at least Mr.Charles Membre
speaks English and is SuperEfficient!

My bearing was reserved and on its way in 10mins (TEN minutes)after paid on phone
got track&trace-number 30mins later! Anyone better??

They always try to have at least one or two of those bearings made of unobtainiuum
in stock at all times...
-Renault couldn't supply it,SNR who made it couldn't supply anymore..NO cross-ref.
on any other bearing-sites I've tried :vsad: - OUuuaaah!!... WHO do you call ?????

Ghos-- No. :clapping:

PS:didn't we use to have a BON ADRESSE-section on here somewhere? If not,Me thinks
We shoulda-woulda-coulda shouldnt we ?? -R.
When I used to work at SNR I'm sure there were a bunch of old Renault bearings lying around, but I bet they weren't on any stock catalogue! Wish I'd kept a few and put them to good use.
ABC,CIA,FBI,NSA and Hold on..SNR. surely must have been my bud Jim B that whispered that into my ear in the wee small hours..
never mind/-R.
Thanks for clearing that one up BTW
AFAIK renault had shares in SNR
Bearing in mind I enjoy a JD+C and I know how how stressed you are ATM guess a little cryptic humour can be expected
PS good job admin here doesn't moan about off topic posts
Yup-that was def.Jim! -wonder how he got on here in the first place ?? -well, he's been banned from my room for a 14night now so there! -R.