Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

..Where I lead..

..OK Tim - I will explain..

..BUT you must promise to post up some pics of the Fab Four from Fulham sitting in your garden / front drive.. Agreed?

..A week or two ago my odometer tipped on to 111111 and I set a quiz that Greenery won (and he is still waiting for his prize!!) - Remember?

In the later threads you will see that I was near Stonehenge at the time and posted pics to prove it. I also explained how, with my extensive knowledge of building houses, Stonehenge came to be built.

The above BBC thread is some clever dicks article on how they think Stonehenge came to be built. I think you will agree that their version may well be rather far fetched!!

..But why Tim in another thread, did I compliment our colleague David Gray on how fab his song Babylon was?

And finally and more importantly, lets send out a search party for Bluebell - She and Chris have quietly wizzed off to France (persued by all their creditors no doubt) and seem to disappeared off the radar - but, a little bit of reassuring news - this pic of their pride and joy Blanche was taken recently in the Burgundy countryside near their house while they were out for a picnic - ominiously no sign of the loving couple though??? Shall we contact my friend Hercule Poirot?
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..BUT you must promise to post up some pics of the Fab Four from Fulham sitting in your garden / front drive.. Agreed?

..But why Tim in another thread, did I compliment our colleague David Gray on how fab his song Babylon was?

OK, OK! I'll borrow a camera tomorrow and take some pics of the poor beast :)

In answer to your other question, I guess the answer is "because you like it" :)
to tim (and ian)
apologies for my post reply being a little off topic but felt it ok as most of this section is made of fairly meandering threads designed to confirm to casual visitors that we are DEFINITLY a little odd :confused:
and i do try hard to keep up with the tradition and some of ians references do go back before my time here

my only slight concern is are we scaring any NORMAL R4 owners off ? :p

regards (still bonnet -less ) paul
"Normal R4 owners" sounds like an oxymoron to me.