Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

1972 R4 1126 type


Hi, as mentioned we have a new project, a 1972 Type 1126, eng type 839 06 (782cc) motor.
There is no oil filter on the engine. Should there be. Can there be. Have not got down the engine that far yet, but don't know if its blanked off, or an oil filter was not offered with this engine. What is a chap supposed to do without an oil filter. Anyone got some advice please, I know Melissa may have a similar engine. Thanks Edwin
The engines were designed with no oil filter fitted to them, and to allow for this, the oil change service intervals reflected the fact that there was no filter in the engine.
Hi Edwin
My 1972 car has no filter too. I was advised by Simon (Renault Reborn) to leave it as it is. I make sure I change the oil at short intervals, as I want to preserve her original engine for as long as possible