Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

4 sightings

Greeney in France

Bloody nice bloke actualy
I thought i would quantify 'loads of 4s here' in one of my posts. I set off to limoge this morning and said to my nearest and dearest "we re counting 4s today" that really perked her up:rolleyes: So here it is: my place to limoge is 40klm plus various stop off points and back home totalled 123klm and most of the day guess how many we counted......
11 yes that isnt a slip of finger ELEVEN:roll:
Just thought you d like to know... Im going mad!!!
That's nothing - I reckon I'd see 8.5 Renault 4s just by walking around the yard. If Robert with the red GTL was visiting it would be 9.5. Mind you, we do have a high concentration of the things around here.

To actually see one on the road I'd have to plan my trip carefully. Yvette in Bedford would be my first stop (she normally provides coffee and coissants and has a nice Spanish TL). From there I'd probably have to visit Steve Hennesy on the Cambs/Essex boarder which would blow my 60km right out of the water. But with careful planning and timing I would be up to 11.5 which would beat you by 0.5 Renault 4s. :D

Glad to hear you've gone mad. Normally takes longer than that. Viva the R4s in France!
I can see 7 looking out my front window also 11 Renault 5`s
But there is always 1 or 2 parked in the car park park in my local village usually an old boy who spends most of the day in the bar/tabac and another who picks up his daily bagette
At the local Super U there is usually 1 or 2 parked They all seem to be driven by older people
My local Renault dealer has several parked up as well as a very nice R8
I have just been given a Orange savanne R1123 by my neighbour who cannot believe how many I have. It is at the above mentioned Renault dealer with various holes in the floor rusty brake pipe and wheel bearing to do for the CT