Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

anyone spottet The Roffmobile in Loheac??


Evening all...(Just a tiny Sit.Rep.)
Nice turnup of 4's at
even if it was rainy,windy and cold most of the time.

in case you're on here 'Giorno to the nice Italian fellas I
spoke to-Hope you got home Fast as wives were somewhat
impatient waiting they told me -with a nervous twich.

Thought there would be more unusual parts for the 4's but
mainly it was rearlights in abundance.Neiman-locks at ridicoulous prices and repro-front-fenders etc-Nothing Really special-Amazingly low prices for new/unused JAEGER-instruments though..

Sorry I missed you Derek-SO much to do in so little time-
maybe next time.

Had put an ad in 4L magazine,looking for an extra complete rear-door w/glass etc for my trailerproject (R4F4 Fourgonn.)
but they had edited it and omitted text saying I would be at the Loheac do..
How many sellers do you think have rung me up here in Norway??? :mad:
Anyone got some pixes from Loheac?
We got tel from home re. hospitalized mums & dads ,so
had to return Sunday. Totalled 3400km's in 7days
GPS said we AVERAGED 103km's/hour for 4hours!!
Not bad-but remember we're talking about

The Ultimate in Personal Transportation here :p

By the by;What is the matter with Belgian drivers???
They stick like glue to my tow-hitch .Going 115km's it
doesn't take a genius to figure out what will happen if I brake... are they saving gas by tailgating or what...

Picked up some nice bits for Roffen and the trailer from Der Franzose (Very nice people-And they make a good cuppa coffee too!)
