Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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Best T-Piece Mod ?GTL?


I have heard of several modifications for the T-Piece section of pipe and was wondering which was best.

(On the car ive got)
Option 1:
Blank off inlet manifold hole (Short bit of pipe with a bolt in it)
Connect Rocker breather to the carb (A bit of Garden Hose)
(Problem - Carb is a right mess inside :shock:)

(Not sure who said this sorry!)
Option 2:
Blank off Inlet
Dangling Pipe from rocker breather (Like on older cars)

Option 3:
Make/Get a new T-Piece ?!?

Any thoughts ?
Hi there, option 2 works for me. Blank off where the Tpiece was fitted and of course also where the hose was below the carb in the inlet manifold. If your engine is in reasonable condition the pipe from the rocker-box will supply a small amount of oil vapour to the chassis.
I have the second option by default :-) (and a lot of other R4 drivers too) on my grey '71, and although it keeps the carb clean it makes the passengers going dizzy when staying in traffic for some time, as the oil fumes manage to get in somehow...The engine is a bit tired however and has more blow-by than expected.
I used to do the second option on my old Sciroco which blew quite a bit of oil out, (it had done over 250,000 miles on its original engine!

But I used to have the hose drop into an old Coke bottle tied to the inner wing to collect the excess oil and then drop it back in again when it got a little full!
I think i would be a little tired after 250.000 :cool:
Interesting !
So no one else has gone for connecting it to the carb then ?
(Other than with the proper T piece)