This is a perennial question whenever "A" frames are discussed. I've used an "A" frame for many years to move cars, a fair proportion of which weren't roadworthy. I've never towed anything I thought would be dangerous and I always made sure all the lights attached to the back of the recovered vehicle worked properly and that my beacon lights were on. I also wear a "hi vis" (jilet jeune in French!) all the time. I've often been overtaken by police patrol cars (I keep my speed well down when towing) and the "boys in blue" have invariably looked at the car being towed, the towing vehicle and me and then driven on. I suppose the lights, hi-vis and the general appearance of the towing vehicle give an air of "knowing what I'm doing" so they've left me alone. I'm aware of the limitations when towing and always pull over after a mile or two, to check the strap tensions and the coupling security.Morning all
Just on the subject of a frames I guess the vehicle being towed needs to be mot /insurance is thus right