Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

CHROME bananas/goat horns/love-handles


Anyone out there in posession of chrome "thingies"? I have finally succumbed to the idea of fitting a chromed front-bumper as the painted one I've got now shows some rust around edges..
-I need a pair in Real good nick as rechroming is too expensive and usually of inferiour quality anyways
-Have lots of parts in case swap is of interest...... -R.
I think they are all part of the 4Ls French quirkiness, and charm Tom. They might also give the side-lights a bit of protection in a shunt.
Yes you could be right, hope I never get to test your theory Tom.:eek:
I had a new pair that didn't need, put it on ebay some time ago and it made big money...There are a lot of people looking for them and I was thinking if it was worth to have them remade, possibly in stainless steel.
They've got NO purpose whatso ever,looks ugly and rust a lot -this is precisely why you should run outside screw them off and send them to me c",) -R.
A friend of mine said at some time: "They are ugly, but original". He was spot-on, I think...
I've got a set of painted ones on my car, they actually came off a shunted car and were all bent and twisted, I straightened them out and put them on my car.

Tom you're right about them transferring damage to other parts of the front of the car, but in my experience of looking at crash damaged fours, the 4 bumper slides under modern bumpers and then it crushes everything on top so radiaitor, top of gearbox, speedo drive etc all get smashed and crushed!
I believe Thomas Pucci (his name on ebay is pucci_de) had some reproductions made in stainless steel. I don't know how much they are, but he has put them up on the French ebay before. He will be at Lipsheim / Alsace next weekend if you happen to be there (like me)! ;-))
Good luck!
I'd love a pair of gray ones for my 4, but they are no longer available here...
Hi realnut4! -I noticed his ad on them,looking closer on the me they did not look to be mirrored,mounting-holes looks out of true(might be an optical illusion of-course) sent him a mail but havent heard back as of yet...They were Euro 119+
Azazello-if I get a chromed pair you could have my grey ones for a grappa ok? c",)
-asked your mates at Thenay where you were,they said you were an hours away,so why dont you drive alike all other Italians at 9500rpms and like you're running to get away from your mother-in-law?? -R.
I found once chromed hornes on french ebay for 10 euros each, but they were only right ones (or only left ones, I do not remember).
This evening, after reading this thread, I had another look on the bay and found out a pair, restored and primed, for 31 euros. I asked for delivering with an air filter box, cause mine has the plastic one and I'd like the metal one.

Reidalpine, you can drink all my grappa if you want, I do not like it!
I had not completely understood your last sentence, but I am sad to have missed you at Thenay!
So, I finally bought them! And, finger crossed, found a guy on lbc that sells a pair of headrest... I hope this is my lucky day!