Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Clem's PM Crackdown!


& Clementine the Cat
Bedford UK
It's been pointed out to me that the forum has become a little quiet recently. Also that it sometimes lacks fun posts. I know exactly why that is.

Problem is there aren't many of us Renault 4 owners around in the UK and we've got to know eachother on the forum. I checked out private message statistics today. Private messages outnumber posts on the forum by about 3 to 1. Fair enough I was organising my winter holiday in France by private messages this evening, and it's great people are making friends, but....

I can't believe there is so much secret Renault 4 stuff going on. I'm sure there is a lot of stuff being exchanged by private message that isn't really private and would be better on the forum where it may attract some new friends and be fun for everyone.

This place isn't like any other forum - pretty much everything goes here (the rules boil down to having stuff that is well intended and from R4 fans).

For anything not private please do post it on the forum. Then we can all join in. :D
I quite agree with you Malcolm - I have received PM's about technical stuff that could have been shared on the forum.

Now, about that private message you sent to me this morning - yes, you are welcome to come to my lingerie party tomorrow night! :wink: and yes, the pink ones are still available:D
well i agree
when i first found this forum i thought nearly every body was up for some humour and as a new member spent hours entertained by posts going back to 2005
alot of technical/parts problems at that time i would of been happy to of helped out with
i know i havent introduced myself properlyto everyone (guilty - sent pm to malcolm ) but do like it here as an escape from from the stress of repairing modern renaults

my new years resolution is to drag my yellow R4 out from its hiding place and take some pics for you all to see and better still get it back on the road !!

i was previosly a member of R.O.C. but this is much better than waiting for club magazine to arrive, as we are all able to have our say without upsetting powers above (hopefully )

oh yes all this R4 stuff has also made me go and get a 1975 r4 so pics of that very soon
hoping for more comments (there must be loads reading this ,if you own a R4 surely you cant be shy)
yours paul
Having been on other forums I have found this is definately one of the better ones, informative, friendly and humourous, especially that cat! Keep up the good work. Like mr-reno-139 I find it a good escape from the challenges of modern Renaults and all their electronic 'gizmerology'.
..No more PM's..

..Horray and this is what I think about that Malcolm:

Tailgate number plate light!!

I also think a trip to Africa and the smell of kippers is what we all need - I certainly do?
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We're a bit slow here down in the forest...........but I'm definately on the case. Over the Yuletide we're going to get them all out and expose ourselves to all you luvverly Forum Men. R3s, R4s and 4x4s........vans too.

And what's the relevence of the kippers? Not the lingerie I hope.
I know nothing of kippers! And it wasn't me :roll:

Sounds like a treasure trove of Renaults you have there in the forest Mabel. I had no idea there was a R3 in the UK. I'd love to see photos when you get them out.
I've had a thought - You haven't posted kippers here have you Ian? I do hope they haven't been wraped well - that will serve the Post Office right for their pre-Christmas delays. Even Screwfix can't get stuff here within a week at the moment.

I have found an ideal Christmas present for you. You'll probably have it on 20th January.
..Ask Malcolm..

..he knows..

Ok here is the answer:
The big Geese are Moroccan Greys
The Ducks are Mauritanian Manchoos
The Brown Chicken on right are Senegalese Shoet chickens
The Plate is Gambian Wedgwood
The Chair is made of Guinea Bissauian Mahogany
The kid is sitting on a cushion made of Sierra Leonian cotton gingham
The Turkey is a Liberian Lolu
The kid herself is the daughter of the governor General of Ghana..

All of which should lead you to... a Renault 4 trip down the coast of West Africa 2008.. All easy peasy I would say...

..and here are a couple of pics of the advance..
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Trip down Africa I figured out. Still baffled by the kippers - post office can't be bothered to come as far as the farm when they are busy - I hope they are good and stinky when they get back from their holidays. :D

That's a point though - we're planning a forum trip to Africa involving a bit in the Sahara in Renault 4s that may or may not make it back. Not one of these dangerous properly organised rallies, but a perfectly safe R4 forum thing that Frederick the frog is going to organise. :eek: Anyone else coming?
Claude the F4 van might be interested if he can join up in deepest France. :cool: He longs for a return to Africa and has kept his Sahara airfilter and sump guards in tip top condition. But he's a bit perturbed about the phrase "....trip to Africa involving a bit in the Sahara in Renault 4s that may or may not make it back".