Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Cult-film alert!


somewhere on here there's been some talk about Renault 4's appearing on screen/film/movie.Can't seem to find it so will just mention it here.....
Romantic Comedy called "Laws of Attraction" (2004) Pierce Brosnan have Finally come around-from driving those duh!!-Astons, to getting back to the bare necessity (i.e No-frills) where-as he in this film drives his own Paddy-wagon in Ireland...

Oh! -did I forget to mention it??:rolleyes:
His drive is what both he and I consider the Ultimate-In-Personal-Transportation.....
Roffen's Irish brother; The Renault R4-F4 Fourgonnette........

PS:film isn't That bad either..-Here's a FREE tip for you guys that have postponed getting the little wife a pressy for Christmas..(just so you don't have to buy her Yet another can of anti-freeze at the petrol station on ChristmasEve -Again!!) How about ordering it on DVD? just tell her you found it SOOOO romantic -and you wanted to share it with HER.;) -R.
Also -- Dawn French in the comedy series Vicar of Dibley drives a 4 in at least one episode.
Oogling the telly the other night I saw a rerun of "Grand Design" (Uk-program on people designing&building the house of their dreams)
Anyhoo..This bankers-couple designed their loveshack somewhere in Cntr.London Now-What I noticed,was this iridescent green R4L sitting next door to them..
Is this a Noncounted-for R4,or do we know it????? -R.
Don't forget the ITV sitcom Outside Edge starring Timothy Spall and Josie Lawrence in the mid 1990s where they drove a yellow 850TL BRC 104T - this car lived about 2 miles from me till Central TV bought it!! I met the owner not long afterwards, I was working in a bar and he came in asking me about my then R4 outside.

I checked the DVLA but little BRC hasn't been taxed since 1997 so is probably now no more:(

Otley(1968) - white 4L with wickerwork a la parisienne parked in the background