Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

English 1974 R4 for sale in Holland


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That's my old car! And yes the story is almost true, I pulled it out of the garage on the side of a house just outside Derby a few years back.
It had suffered a little from the damp, but must remain the best 4 of this age unrestored in existance.
But what do you do with a car like this? I think that is why I sold it. I passed it on a friend who then sold it to the Dutch collector.
I know how much I got for it and suspect it may be worth just a little extra now!
Would love it back though so may try and ask for the price...
nice car stuart!
Recently I was told about an English R4 in a Dutch 2CV collection.
This 1974 lightblue one (only 79 miles driven!) is for sale:
I don't know the car myself; I can only offer translation and mediation if wanted.
Would be nice to find it a good caring home, which I don't suspect it will find in Holland, having the wheel on the righthand side.
hi ...i just want a know what is the price you are asking for ....
That is one nice car, it's just so difficult to know what to do with something like that though!

What would everyone do with it if they bought it?

Me I'd get it sorted out to immaculate condition and then use it, can't stand seeing cars not being put to their intended use!

Everyone else?
Its a car, it has one purpose, no matter how many miles its done. LET RIP THAT RUBBER! :D
I would only use it on sunny days and not in the winter. It would be a shame to see it rot after all these years wouldn't it?