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Fourgonnette F4 back rubber door seal



Great forum!

I am looking for a new/NOS ruber door seal for the back door of my 1970 Fourgonnette. We restored her recently, but we had to make a makeshift seal from cellular rubber. Water still keeps coming in and since I want to use the car as my daily ride this year, a proper seal would be great...

Anyone got a spare one at home?

Thanks in advance!

Der Franzose in Germany stocks the standard door seal (it's a reproduction). In the saloons the same seal is used for all but the lower part of the rear door. For the F4 I don't know which seals are used, but that might be worth a look.

I bought the same one from for the back door of my convertible. The seal of the back door of the F4 is different and rather flat.

Hi Volker.

I'm looking to restore my F4 van, and looking at the rear door seal, I could also do with replacing it. How did you get on?

Regards Tim
Volker and Tim! The rubberseal for the F4 was manufactured exclusively for this model-Orig-part long obsolete..
You are correct it is a rather 'special' profile which to my knowledge No-one else does. (at least the specia-list(!)firms I have asked..
I ended up making use of what was left and build it up again by use of Sikaflex (liquid rubber from 300gr.cartridge) it took some layers but is now completely water-tight and closes much better than the orig one ever did.
Another poss.would be to go for the closed-cell usually grey they use between doorframe or window-frame and wall when installing new ones in houses.These do not soak water as the sponge-rubbers do They are hollow inside so you will not have problems closing door and they seem to last a very long time..
Glue on using contact-glue without Tuolen as this stuff EATS the lists.. -R.