Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Front ... needed


Hi guys,

I dont know what is the name of this part, but can someone advice me where can I buy them? Tried mentioned shops, ebay, but no luck. Maybe anyone can sell some he doesnt need? Chromed would be much appreciated, but not necessary.. :)

I think they are called love handles.
They appear on eBay from time to time.
There's a German eBay seller who offers repros in chrome as well.
If you won't find the handles in the UK, I can contact him and ask for a price.


Thank you David,

I m checkink ebay for a longer time, mostly the French, because they have more parts like the UK. However, I didnt see any for a quite long time.

I would be VERY thankful if you can contact the German guy, or you can give me the link on his ebay profile and I ll contact him. I want to have them chromed, so that would make the work much easier.

Thanks in advance

Here's a pic of my F6 van with the love handles installed.
I got them off eBay for about 20 Euros and spray painted them to match the bumpers.
A pretty useless item, but it adds some more of the vintage look to the car.
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