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Yellow R4
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Fuel pump problem

dreaming mechanic

I ordered a metal fuel pump seal(4mm) because the other one brock and it came today. I put it on and the car wouldn't start so i took it off and it wouldn't start.So i put it on like the old one was (hanging off on the right hand side and on left just a gap smaller than the seal ) and it worked so i don't know if the pump is wonky or inside the engine is wonky . so could i have some advice on what it could be?
thanks very much and i will send some photos of it
Did you check thickness of the new seal and compare to old one?
At about 11:40 you set a throttle opening using the idle screw before connecting the choke throttle lever. That's bad. First the choke should not influence the idle setting when the choke is off. Second that will give you far too much throttle opening when you use the choke.