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Ignition timing an 86 Gtl


I've read all the forum posts I could find, and I have the latest Haynes, but I still dont fully know how to time my 1128 Gtl.
As the attached photo shows, my marks dont seem to resemble anything mentioned in Haynes. That mentions a groove in the clutch cover - I only have raised ridges. And these are both sides of the cut out, one having lots of ridges, the other, only two. I guess the left hand one, when viewing, is tdc, but how many degrees is the right hand ridge? And what are the other ridges for, under the bolt head?
I have tried to static time, so would like advice for this method please. But I have ordered a strobe lamp, so would also appreciate advice for timing with this.
Thanks for your patience!

While I'm here, could I request a bit of help re air filters? All the photos I see posted on here seem to have a similar box to mine. It takes an 80mm deep filter. Yet all the filters for this model (even the official Renault one) are 57mm deep. In fact, I am hard pushed to find an 80mm version. What do others do?

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The best way to time the engine is to use a dwell meter on the points then loosen the dizzy slightly and turn it slowly back and forth and listen to the engine note ,she will tell you the best setting better than any static or strobe light.
What sort of engine note would I be listening for - would it be the fastest tickover, for example? I know it is hard to describe sounds, but could you point me in the right direction, Jonigel?